Leaky Pipes Attract Termites
here are many things that can be done to minimise the risk of termites in your house but perhaps the single most important thing you can do to prevent an infestation is to call a plumber. Termite species such as Subterranean Termites rely on the ground moisture to survive, and a leaky pipe can be just what they need to start a colony.
In approximately 90% of all Subterranean Termite infestations we come across major contributing factors have been issues such as poor drainage, leaking pipes or joins and pooling water around or under the house. This creates perfect conditions for termites to set up a colony, all that’s missing is the food which is where your wooden support beams and floor boards come in.
Subterranean Termites account for a majority of termite damage in Australia and are the most common species nationwide with some claims that up to 80% of yards in South- East Queensland containing active colonies. Home insurance policies do not cover damage from Subterranean Termites and it is up to the home owner to protect their house against termites.
Investing in a plumber to do a check of your houses plumbing to investigate leaks pooling bodies of water and poor drainage can hugely minimise the risk of termite infestation when combined with a licensed termite expert.
With the moisture from a leaky pipe or pool of water, the dark poorly ventilated sub-floor and the time frame of your house, you are unknowingly giving termites the perfect environment to flourish.
Subterranean Termites will seek out any wood touching the moist soil they live, to ensuring that all wood is raised off the ground and away from the house, and stored in a manner that it remains dry is vital to the effort of keeping termites away from your home.
If you require a plumber to check your property for water leaks. Speak to Jetset Plumbing, the most experienced plumbers Brisbane have to offer.