Fire Ants

Fire Ants Wreaking Havoc!

Fire ants are wreaking havoc across Southeast Queensland and despite biosecurity zones being introduced to limit the spread, the Queensland Government have been inundated with reports of activity. The excessive amount of rain is not helping with the backlog as baiting treatments, to be effective require dry weather.

As we move into the winter months, now is the best time to be on the lookout for Fire Ant nests as they will start to swell in size as the queen raises the nests to ensure the eggs are kept warm.

What NOT to do if you find a Fire Ant Nest?

DON’T KICK IT! Fire ants are extremely aggressive, and they move quickly. Their sting causes a painful, burning itching sensation, small pustules may form which may become itchy and can become infected. A severe allergic reaction to Fire Ants can be fatal. If you know you have come in contact with Fire Ants and are experiencing rapid onset of flushing, swelling of the face, eyes or throat, chest pains, nausea, severe sweating, faintness or breathing difficulties call 000.

Kicking the nest may also cause the Fire Ants to spread.

What TO DO if you find a Fire Ant nest?

Fire ants need to be reported to Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), it is important to do this so they can track the spread. DAF no longer posts out free Fire Ant treatment kits, they also have a long waitlist on treating residential and commercial sites due to a backlog with parks and public spaces taking priority.

What does it cost for CTS to treat my Fire Ants and what is the process?

A targeted approach is necessary when treating Fire Ants. We apply a liquid chemical Fipronil, injecting directly into the nest to flood the tunnels and reach the queen. We also chemically treat around the nest up to 1 meter to target any escaping Fire Ants and we follow up with an active bait to ensure complete elimination. The bait can only be applied when the weather is clear, and the soil is dry. Application is effective after the chemical treatment but not if the soil is wet from rain. Once treated we come back in 7 days to check the area, if we have been unable to apply the bait due to rain or the area requires a re-treatment this will be carried out as part of our service. The cost for a Fire Ant treatment, up to 4 nests which includes an inspection, chemical treatment, baiting and follow up visit and re-treatment if required is $475 inc GST.

A Fire Ant site inspection to identify any nests is $165 inc GST. Alternatively, you can text or email us photos with your details to 0403 922 995 or and we can do our best to identify if they are Fire Ants free of charge.

Fire Ants are quite small and vary in size 2 – 6mm

Fire Ants were first detected in Brisbane in 2001 although it is suspected they arrived 20 years previous. Our climate is the perfect environment for them to thrive and left untreated Fire Ants can cause more social, economic and environmental destruction than cane toads, rabbits, feral cats and foxes combined.  

Aggressive and prolific breeders, Fire Ants have no known natural predators. They feed off our native animals including insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds and small mammals and have been known to attack domestic pets, young animals and livestock stinging around the eyes, mouth and nose, leading to blindness and suffocation.

Fire Ants can be distinguished by 3 unique features. They are copper brown in colour with a darker abdomen and are quite small in size at 2 – 6mm, about the size of the little black ants you may see around your home. Their nests can appear as dome-shaped mounds or be flat and look like a small patch of disturbed soil, the shape and size of the nest depends on soil type and size of the colony. Ants enter and leave the mound via underground tunnels so nests have no obvious signs of entry or exit holes.

To have the best chance of eradicating Fire Ants we need to work together to preserve our lifestyle so our backyards, parks, playgrounds, beaches and sports grounds don’t become unusable. 

Nathan and the team always do a fantastic job, highly recommend for all your pest control needs.
Jeff Blaszkowski

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